
Welcome to

Imagine yourself sitting with your partner in a quiet place, hearing and responding to each other at a whole new level, resolving stuck places, finding hope and confidence that you can continue growing your love and trust, delighted to have finally found tools and support that really work.

This two-hour online introduction comes with a money-back guarantee. You will learn a key skill for enhancing relational harmony you can put to immediate use. Also how to ask for what you want in an effective way.

This two-day course is focused on the essential toolkit for living in harmony. You will learn skills and practices that you can actually use—for solving problems while maintaining affection and connection.

This three-day course will reveal the sources of your struggles to get along with each other and provide an opportunity for healing and resolution.
Tools for True Love is a recommended prerequisite.


These residential retreats are by invitation only. Contact Us for details.

Day-long retreats for those who prefer to work in private.


Relating can be a hassle
Even though you love them a passel
You start off real nice
But then you think twice:
Did I make a mistake?
Is there no give and take?

Joy’s hard to find
When you’re losing your mind
It’s hard to know
Which way to go
Things are so fraught
My efforts are naught
How can I make things better?

I heard about this class
And figured… I would pass
But then, I thought again
If there’s any chance to win
I oughta give it a try
There’s lots of reasons why

Much to my surprise
I found love in my partner’s eyes
Now our life’s so sweet
At last I feel complete